生活发生了. 我们很高兴看到你回到校园!

你是否抽出时间去旅行, 工作, 或者把更多的时间花在家庭上, 朋友, 和社区, we are happy to have you back on the Montana Tech campus. Sometimes returning students have been gone for a semester. Others keep coming back for a second or third 学位, decades after their first attendance. 不管什么让你回到奥利迪格家, our 招生 team is here to assist in helping you get admitted, 与资源相连, 为成功做好准备.


  1. 提交填妥的 入学申请
  2. 如果适用的话, submit official transcripts from all colleges or universities since leaving Montana Tech. 只有在以下情况下,成绩单才会被视为正式成绩单:
    • 所有期末成绩均已公布.e. 没有“正在进行”的课程;
    • It is emailed directly to Montana Tech from the transferring institution via a secure transcript delivery service; or
    • It is stamped with the institution’s official seal and delivered to Montana Tech in a sealed envelope.
    如果你有“正在进行”的课程, 电流, 非官方的, 成绩单可作为录取决定的依据. Please submit 电流 非官方的 transcript when you apply and plan to submit your final official transcript upon completion of the term.
  3. 如果你出生在12月31日之后, 1956 and have not attended Montana Tech in the last five academic calendar years or were enrolled as a non-学位 seeking student, you 必须 submit proof of two separate doses of measles and rubella immunization (MMR).



All returning or former students who have attended a college or university since leaving Montana Tech 必须 meet the admission requirements for transfer students in order to be readmitted.

  • 大学平均成绩至少达到2分.0
  • Demonstrate mathematical preparedness for Intermediate Algebra

*If you have not successfully completed a college level math course in the last two years, a 安排考试 可能需要.


Former students who have not attended another college or university 必须 be re-admissible according to Montana Tech’s 学术地位 政策. Students who are on a probationary status from Montana Tech are considered re-admissible.

Students on first suspension are re-admissible after one semester of non-attendance (remaining out-of-residence). 如果一个学生被菲律宾十大彩票平台学院停学两次, he or she 必须 be out of school for an interval of one academic year and 必须 收到学校的再入学批准 学术标准委员会. Students suspended from the North Campus (undergraduate 学位 program) may be admissible to the South Campus (高地上大学).

援助 & 奖学金

About 90% of Montana Tech undergraduate students receive scholarships or grants. 换句话说, our financial aid team 工作s hard to help our students graduate with the lowest debt loads of any school in Montana.


Montana Tech has three residence halls to choose from, each with distinct character. All non-local first-year students are required to live in a residence hall for their first year at Montana Tech.


你已经申请并被录取了吗? 祝贺你! 更多地了解你的下一步可能是什么.


我们是来帮忙的. 我们将指导你参观校园, 通过申请流程, 直到你上第一堂课.


Use our 成本计算器 to get an estimate of your tuition, 费用, 食宿, 以及其他出席费用.


换专业没关系. You don't necessarily have to return to the program you were previously pursuing.


We'd love to answer your questions and help you get started.

巴特,MT 59701
(406) 496-4791